Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween! From the artist Ray Villafane. And one of the best Halloween movies, The Ghost and Mr. Chicken!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

ROUS on my porch?

Opossums have been in existence for 70 millions years, oddly they only live for 2-3 years even in captivity. Great foragers what with their little opposing thumbs and prehensile tails, this one ( I'll call Rufus ), helped himself to the remnants of a pizza box. They also like pieces of pumpkin. Also noteworthy is the fact that they can mimic being so dead symptoms include oozing slime from their mouth and faking rigor-mortis for hours! If you startle them they will show their teeth and hiss at you.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Fall 2011

Fall is here. This is my favorite season!
I am thrilled that my favorite season is here. I saw the remake of Fright Night last month and really enjoyed it and the music:Fright Night
Music that I liked from this movie:
"No One Believes Me" Kid Cudi
"Pumped Up Kicks" Foster the People
There's a detailed list on IMDB